Allergy Types

Therapist of the Month – June 2023
TRY THIS! Allergy natural remedies

This edition will look at allergies and identify the various types and symptoms. An allergy can be defined as the way the immune system rejects a substance that is ingested or in contact with the hair or skin, which causes a dis-ordered reaction that manifests in an extreme way that can be alarming, irritating and sometimes be life threatening. Many of us are allergic to foreign substances, but may not be aware until we come into contact with them. Allergies may manifest from childhood or develop in adulthood due to autoimmune developments and other factors. Most allergies are treatable and once diagnosed, positive coping strategies can be put in place as lifestyle choices to prevent flare ups and inconvenience. If own body reacts to substances later on in life, it may be linked to other health issues so it is important to get tested.

The most common allergies and symptoms are:

– hay fever/pollen (which usually manifest in spring when the pollen is prevalent). Symptoms may be runny nose, uncontrollable coughing, itchy, sore eyes or throat,

– food (such as seafood, nuts, wheat, gluten, dairy products, chemicals in food and some fruits or vegetables). These flare ups can be life threatening if not treated as soon as possible and may manifest as stomach cramps, diarrhoea, difficulty breathing, itchy skin (hives), skin dis-orders, swollen eyes, lips or tongue,

– insect/mosquito bites or stings (especially from bees or wasps), These allergies usually come up on skin as a painful, itchy lump causing irritability,

– household products (such as chemicals in bleach, sprays/air fresheners, fragranced incense sticks). These substances usually come with caution advice and should be used carefully and moderately otherwise they can cause issues such as faintness, difficulty breathing, tight pain in chest, stinging eyes, nose or throat,

– medication (like penicillin, antibiotics, certain essential oils). These substances are usually only known to cause an individual to react to allergy once the body has contact with it and may cause a reaction like wheezing, hives, itchy or swollen skin,

-skin allergies like dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, which may be caused by stress, reaction to substance, excessive dairy intake trauma or extreme shock. Symptoms may include rashes, itchiness on affected areas and uncontrollable spreading,

The symptoms vary depending on substance type, how much contact the body has with the food, drink or substance and also different allergies manifest in different ways. They can be mild or life threatening, depending on response to flare up.

If you go to a conventional medical professional like General Practitioner, they may recommend medication like antihistamines or antibiotics, which will deal with or prevent the symptoms but not the causes. There are also natural remedies that can be used as preventative therapy such as specific herbs and plant based products depending on the allergy or reaction.

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