Chakra Healing

Therapist of the Month – September 2022
Chakra Healing remedies

Chakra healing has been selected for this feature so we look at how understanding the functions of own chakras can enhance healing and energy. The word “Chakra” comes from Sanskrit language which is linked to Hinduism faith, it means a “wheel”, “circle” or “disk” as a reference to the connection of the chakras and how each part contributes to the whole. We will look at each chakra function and the importance of how one chakra imbalance can affect the balance of the other chakras. It can be considered as a holistic approach which focuses on the mind, body, spirit connection. Chakra healing is also connected to Ayurveda therapy.

There are 7 chakras that are positioned along the core of the spine and top of head. Each is known to be an energy centre that can be consciously restored and developed to energise and stimulate the relevant systems in own body, relating to human biology.

Colour in fashion can be used to celebrate any mood and will usually depend on the season, latest colour trends and situation. Consciously selecting clothes can be a wholistic way of connecting with self and creating the desired mood. It’s important to be aware of what colours can trigger self to be over- emotional. It is known that some colours are attached to feminine and masculine energy like magenta pink for feminine and indigo blue for masculine. Black is considered as bold but reserved. Blue may reflect a calm nature. Grey can represent stability.

Every chakra has an associated colour which represent the different types of light and energy focused on that function as follows from the top of head to the bottom of the spine:

– The Crown chakra stimulates at the top of the head and energises consciousness. An imbalance may manifest as being disconnected to self or expressing sub-consciousness. This chakra is connected to the colour purple which represents peacefulness.

– The Third Eye chakra stimulates the centre of the forehead in the middle of eyebrows. It energises intuition and creativity. An imbalance may manifest as confusion and being unfocused. This chakra is linked to the colour indigo blue which represents calmness. .

– The Throat chakra stimulates the centre of the neck under the throat. It energises to speak and communicate openly. An imbalance may manifest as shyness and anxiety. This chakra is linked to colour light blue which represents freedom of expression..

– The Heart chakra stimulates the middle of the chest. It energises self-love and worth. An imbalance may manifest as lack of self -worth and love. This chakra is connected to the colour green which represents love.

– The Solar Plexus chakra stimulates the area just below chest. It energises self-esteem, confidence and willpower. An imbalance may manifest as low self-esteem and unaccountability. This chakra is connected to the colour yellow which represents organisation, focus and determination.

– The Sacral chakra stimulates just underneath the navel. It energises feelings, emotions or sexual pleasure. An imbalance may manifest as being unemotional and lack of creativity. This chakra is connected to the colour orange which represents joy and wisdom.

– The Root chakra stimulates bottom of the spine. It energises safety and stability. An imbalance may manifest as being fear and chaos. This chakra is connected to the colour red which represents vitality and confidence.

The benefits of understanding about chakras can aid increasing own energy and healing. Chakra Energy uses techniques to focus thoughts, feelings to consciously stimulate the chakras to boost relevant energies. Chakra Healing involves using techniques like visualisation, yoga and meditation, to connect to own chakras to rebalance the relevant imbalances.

When self learns and understands about Chakra Energy and Healing then it allows self to know there are other ways of enhancing mental, physical and spiritual health.

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