Evidence has identified the importance of monitoring how many alkaline or acid foods are ingested. What are alkaline foods? These naturally sourced whole foods that are used to maintain and enhance health as it is believed that these foods prevent organ, tissue and cell damage, whereas too much acid in the body can be detrimental to a person’s health because it erodes the body’s functioning systems or organs. It is believed that an alkaline diet can protect the bone mass by absorbing the necessary vitamins and minerals. Other possible physical sustainability strengths from an alkaline diet include lowered risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic pain and inflammation, boosts immune system, cancer prevention or stabilising weight. Alkaline foods tend to contain a lot of magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium, which are essential to the body systems functioning.
Acidic foods are believed to be a factor in inflammation, disease and the manifestation of symptoms. Over production of acid in the body means that the kidneys cannot process and dispose of it.
There are renowned holistic health practitioners, like Dr Sebi, who not only researched and promoted the alkaline diet, but offered evidence to prove claims that an alkaline diet can be used as a preventative to inflammation, dis-ease, dis-orders, reversal deficiencies and control health conditions. On average, food or drink pH level for total acidic is 0, alkaline is 14 and neutral is 7.
Top ten alkaline, nutritious foods include:
Top ten acidic foods to avoid are: