TRY THIS! Behavioural Therapy remedies

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to manage thoughts and behaviour
Therapist of the Month – July 2024

– Be honest with self about thinking, emotions and behaviour. If you feel off balance, why? What is causing that?

– Find a local Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and try some sessions to learn how to regulate own thoughts, emotions and behaviour.

– Keep a journal to write down own thoughts to identify any patterns.

– List negative thoughts and situations that trigger them, so coping strategies or solutions can be put into place.

– Write down fears and phobias, learn how own negative thought and behaviour trigger you, then find solutions that will help you overcome those fears. Identify whether the fear or phobia is based on a real- life experience or imagined reality.

– Deep breathing exercises are a great way to reconnect to self and focus on being present.

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