

Embrace a healthier lifestyle

After the festive season and New Year celebrations, to realign and focus on entering the new year healthy, it’s important to reflect on own mind, body, […]

Bio scan to assess your health status

In this high-pressured world, understanding self and taking responsibility of own health is vital because health issues may not be detected until too late. It is […]

Natural Immunisation

In these modern times, pharmaceutical medicine is easily accessible and promoted as main option to control how the immune system works but to maintain immune system […]

Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing has been selected for this feature so we look at how the functions of own chakras can enhance healing and energy. The word “Chakra” […]

Hypnotherapy as a coping strategy

This issue will look at hypnotherapy and explore what it is, why it is used in relation to health and wellbeing as well as how it […]

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to manage thoughts and behaviour

CBT, also known as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, is a therapeutic technique and a form of psychotherapy from Behavioural Therapy that is usually used as an additional […]

Tai Chi to reconnect with your mind, body and spirit

This edition will look at another traditional Chinese holistic health lifestyle practice, known as Tai Chi, which incorporates martial art arm poses and movement but at […]

Qi Gong to focus on own health needs

Our past few blog editions have been on focused on calming the mind and body by learning and practices various wellbeing styles like yoga meditation and […]

Breathwork to release physical and mental tension

Every being alive breathes in some way, but practicing breathwork as a positive coping strategy and as part of a lifestyle choice can contribute to maintaining […]

Meditation to be Present in the Now

Meditation is the focus of this edition because the last issue was about yoga to enhance the body so this issue will look at how meditation […]

Yoga to develop flexibility, health and wellbeing

Yoga for posture or movement are our focus in this blog edition. As the weather gets colder in the UK, its easier to do less exercise […]

Detox your mind, body and spirit holistically

We have chosen to focus on detoxing the body for our January 2024 issue because after the festive season in December, many tend to eat and […]


Therapist of the Month – March 2022

Brown Angel Naturals Delivery Location: International Contact Number: 07984471407 Email: [email protected] Website: Socials:

TRY THIS! Seasonal Health Remedies

TRY THIS! Healthy Seasonal Remedies – Go for daily walks during the daytime to uplift mood and get some exercise. – To prevent hay fever, try […]

Seasonal Health

The change in seasons and weather in the UK can have an effect on own health. Seasonal change can affect our moods and have been recognised […]
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