Feed your mind, body, spirit. Feed your potential

Therapist of the Month – January 2023
TRY THIS! Mind, body, spirit enhancing remedies

To get the best out of your mind, body and spirit, it is important to understand that all three are linked to each other by energy that flows from one to the other. Everything starts with the mind so what you think about will affect your body and may manifest in your spirit in terms of your moods, emotions or communication.

Our external influences (relationships, environments, connections) have a powerful effect on our minds, sometimes such things can be so overwhelming to process that self may not realise its effects until it manifests. When suppressed thoughts manifest and reveal self, its important to be still, check in with self and reflect on causes to identify possible solutions. Thinking relating to unresolved scenarios or traumas, negativity, guilt, remorse or injustice can have a detrimental effect on the nervous system, the immune system will be compromised and mental illness may be activated in various forms like depression, anxiety, stress and develop into more complex dis-orders.

To feed your mind so it operates at its best involves spending time with yourself. getting to know yourself and doing things that bring out the best in self. Knowing yourself makes it easier to be able to check in own self to reflect on current mental state and causes. Examples of ways to embrace own mental state are to write down thoughts and feelings, audio or video record thought processes, talk with someone trusted, focus on being present, identify causes, keep a food diary to identify food side effects on symptoms or moods and remove anything that is harmful to own mental, physical or spiritual health.

In relation to feeding our body, every food or drink ingested has an effect on own body. If your mind is in a low, repetitive, imagined state then that will filter around your body, usually via your nervous system and can actually cause aches and pains, which may develop into more complex conditions. Detoxing your body, being mindful of what you eat and drink can enhance your body function. This works at its best when you know and understand what your own body needs.

When self is in a good mood, then that energy is passed into others. The spirit can be presented as energy and has the power to bring down or uplift others. To maintain a balanced spirit means to be connected with your true self, able to check-in or self-reflect, understand your needs and respect your boundaries so you don’t lower your standards, moods or dismiss your thinking or current state. When you know yourself on a conscious level, you will recognise what uplifts or brings down own mood as well as what brings out the best or worst in self..

It is known that a balanced mind, body and spirit allows self to feel confident, be healthy, become more focused and have increased energy.

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