What is a clinical trial? It consists of a scientific research investigation that compares selected treatments to assess how it affects participants mentally and physically. Such […]
Herbal medicine is also known as herbalism that focuses on using the active ingredients in plants (like the roots, flowers, leaves, buds, seeds) to heal, soothe […]
“Superfoods” are a modern trend relating to highly nutritious, wholesome foods that are usually exotic or less commonly available. There are a vast choice of relevant […]
Thinking of what a plant- based diet is seems self-explanatory but knowing what it involves is more intricate in detail. The diet contents and ingredients are […]
Evidence has identified the importance of monitoring how many alkaline or acid foods are ingested. What are alkaline foods? These naturally sourced whole foods that are […]
This blog will remove the mysticism behind gluten free, we will look at what gluten intolerance is and how gluten free products can stabilise those symptoms […]
There are many reasons to adopt a vegan diet, some understand the (health) benefits of a plant-based diet, or decide to make more ethical choices to […]
In the modern world, where many live constantly in stressful situations relating to factors such as neglected health and wellbeing, chaotic domestic/home environments, jobs and relationships, […]
– Make time to connect with own senses (smell, sight, hearing, touch, taste) through mental visualisation to replace the distorted thinking with more uplifting, gentle ones […]
– A plant-based diet is believed by some to build gut bacteria and prevent inflammation as well as treat autoimmune diseases, for weight loss and heart […]
– Deep, slow belly breathing can stimulate the healthy function of the vagus nerve. – Dandelion Root can be used as a gentle laxative for constipation. […]