

Therapist of the Month – November 2021

Healthunlocked Location: UK focused by online forum platform Socials: https://healthunlocked.com/

Try This! Clinic trial advice

– Find approved clinic trial sources. – Get into the habit of doing own clinical research to understand the effects of selected herbal or conventional medicine. […]

Clinical Trials: Risk or Success?

What is a clinical trial? It consists of a scientific research investigation that compares selected treatments to assess how it affects participants mentally and physically. Such […]

Therapist of the Month – October 2021

Therapist name: Instrumental Health Location: London based but may travel. Tel: 0794713639 Socials: https://www.instrumentalhealth.co.uk

TRY THIS! Medicinal herbal remedies

Attend a foraging or herbalism walk to learn about the medicinal plants in your locality. Join a foraging or herbalism group facilitated by an expert and […]

Herbal medicine vs Conventional medicine

Herbal medicine is also known as herbalism that focuses on using the active ingredients in plants (like the roots, flowers, leaves, buds, seeds) to heal, soothe […]

Therapist of the Month – September 2021

Therapist Name: Eboni Markets. Location: London based but delivers. Email: [email protected] Socials: https://www.ebonimarkets.co.uk

TRY THIS! Superfoods to enhance your health remedies

Assess your body and find out which nutrients you are lacking, then find out which superfoods you can try to boost your needs. Look at this […]


“Superfoods” are a modern trend relating to highly nutritious, wholesome foods that are usually exotic or less commonly available. There are a vast choice of relevant […]
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