

Clinical Trials: Risk or Success?

What is a clinical trial? It consists of a scientific research investigation that compares selected treatments to assess how it affects participants mentally and physically. Such […]

Herbal medicine vs Conventional medicine

Herbal medicine is also known as herbalism that focuses on using the active ingredients in plants (like the roots, flowers, leaves, buds, seeds) to heal, soothe […]


“Superfoods” are a modern trend relating to highly nutritious, wholesome foods that are usually exotic or less commonly available. There are a vast choice of relevant […]

Plant based diet

Thinking of what a plant- based diet is seems self-explanatory but knowing what it involves is more intricate in detail. The diet contents and ingredients are […]

Akaline vs Acid Foods

Evidence has identified the importance of monitoring how many alkaline or acid foods are ingested. What are alkaline foods? These naturally sourced whole foods that are […]


A real vegetarian is one who only eats fruit, vegetables, pulses or seeds, and not meat or fish. Sometimes, this diet is in place out of […]

Gluten Intolerance

This blog will remove the mysticism behind gluten free, we will look at what gluten intolerance is and how gluten free products can stabilise those symptoms […]


There are many reasons to adopt a vegan diet, some understand the (health) benefits of a plant-based diet, or decide to make more ethical choices to […]

High Blood Pressure

In the modern world, where many live constantly in stressful situations relating to factors such as neglected health and wellbeing, chaotic domestic/home environments, jobs and relationships, […]


Diabetes is a health condition that causes blood glucose levels to be unstable and is dangerous if it is too high. The source of this blood […]

Food and Moods

There’s a saying that “your body is a temple” that is often used as a metaphor to be thankful, grateful and treat own body with respect […]

Autoimmune Diseases 2

In this blog we continue to look at autoimmune diseases. There are many that will not be listed, but the ones we have selected the one […]


Therapist of the Month – March 2024

Transcending Matters Location: London based, Portugal and online Telephone: 07424117760 Email: [email protected] Social: https://www.transcendingmatters.com/

TRY THIS! Ways to calm own mind

– Find online meditation sessions and participate to decide which form is ideal for you. – Identify quiet, safe spaces in your environment to practice meditation […]

Meditation to be Present in the Now

Meditation is the focus of this edition because the last issue was about yoga to enhance the body so this issue will look at how meditation […]

Therapist of the Month – February 2024

Jacs High Vibes (Yoga Practitioner)Location: London based and onlineEmail: [email protected]: https://www.instagram.com/jacs_highvibe

TRY THIS! Developing flexibility in body remedies

– For beginners, try gentle forms of yoga like Hatha. – Own flexibility will develop, the more yoga is practiced. – Learn some gentle yoga stretches […]

Yoga to develop flexibility, health and wellbeing

Yoga for posture or movement are our focus in this blog edition. As the weather gets colder in the UK, its easier to do less exercise […]

Therapist of the Month – January 2024

Ayoolas Fruit of LifeLocation: London based and onlinePhone: 07960008886 Contact: https://www.instagram.com/ayoola_fruitoflife Socials: https://www.ayoolasfruitoflife.co.uk/

TRY THIS! Natural detox remedies

– When feeling unwell, write down a list of foods eaten and research which foods may be the cause of symptoms, then remove those foods from […]

Detox your mind, body and spirit holistically

We have chosen to focus on detoxing the body for our January 2024 issue because after the festive season in December, many tend to eat and […]
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